
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Most people that really know me understand that I usually jump right into things without thinking first. As long as I can be helpful, encouraging or use my powers for good, Im the 1st person to raise my hand to help.

Most who know me, also know I have had a LOVE for House music for as long as I can remember. I think it started with Disco/Funk, etc..etc.. Anywho a few months ago I was thinkin...**self**, how can you combine your love for writing and House music. Welp...a Blog was the answer.

With that being said I can honestly say, this was the 1st thing I did not jump into feet 1st without thinking about the bigger picture. I thought about this one for a VERY long time before I made the leap into the BlogOsphere.

Fast forward to today, Im thinking the Blogging this is going to be a breeze...DEAD ASS WRONG!!! Ya got Templates, Layouts and a whole bunch of other shit I did not  know was going to come up in the equation. I thought.. oh.,  THIS is some bullshit!

But Im all set up now, and my Blogs will be related to everything House, a music that moves me in ways like no other. I will also have links (House related) Pictures (House related) and up coming events... (yup, you guest it... House related).

Please feel free to post, chat, link up...etc!  Find out all you need to know. All comments are welcomed and advised I only ask that you keep and open mind and value all opinions ( after all they are just like assholes.. everybody has one.. including YOU)

So here it is my 1st Blog, I hope you enjoyed it..

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