
Friday, July 22, 2016

...from the friendship cheap seats

April 30th 2016, as I normally do I was scrolling through Facebook when I stumbled upon a few stats that made my hairs stand straight up. I  remember sitting straight up, my 1st instinct was to pick up the phone and call, but for whatever reason I stopped myself. Instead I went to the Facebook page to see, it had already begun. Since that time I'd thought long and hard if I should write about you, us, our unique kinship. I wanted to make sure I did this right. 

So before I begin, let me tell you what you meant to me. In a very short period of time you became my family, we told me stories and great parables about life. You never sugar coated anything when it came to me. Its like I'd become this little sister that you nurtured, and groomed. 

I looked up to you, and our favorite joke was, "nigga if YOU swing, I swing! imma go low you hit high"! You taught me to be brave and sure. Strong and steadfast! Powerful yet reserved.  I loved and admired you like any little sister would her brother. Mostly you showed me through your actions and words, " never EVER concern yourself with the small stuff. lol and fuck a, "suck butt ass nigga" !

Prior to making your acquaintance I had a friend, a very good friend, since 1984. His name, John Macon. Like you John saw something in me I never saw in myself. Like you, John would always say, " I don't know rather I should laugh at you, or with you" ! - he, like you did both he, like you imparted his wisdom and humor he was indeed my BEST friend! He had the same qualities as you. He was my everything, and I was his. Like you, never more than friends and someone I could count on. The great thing about both of these men was they made everyone feel as if they were the most important friend they had. It takes a special kinda person to do that. But I, digress ( I could go on and on for days about Johnny Ed) I remember feeling lost when John left, but ( ..and I truly believe this with every fiber in my being) that John sent me you! Funny, I thought it would be Edland Turner, I was wrong it was Steve Dunbar. 

As a kid growing up during the early party years, I knew of you, I didn't know you, but I heard of you. I just thought you were a DJ, it wasn't until years later that I found out the roll you played in the party scene. ( if you want to know the story please read Todd Johnson's history retrospective on the party scene) - Plus, Todd's a much better writer and story teller than I. #shamelessplug.

A brief history from the "cheap seats"- and I may get some of it wrong, sue me!

His brother Morris was in with the popular group, Todd did the lighting thing, I think Todd has always been the one with the business acumen ( had to look the spelling up for that word) 
and then there was your best friend, with whom you share your birthday...Al Heath! Now HIM...I do remember, I thought he was the meanest guy ever to walk the face of the planet. I would never even smile at him, cause he always had that serious look on his face. But this ain't about Al. I will say Al Heath is a sweetie and funny as hell. You can never judge a book by its cover..but again, this ain't about Al.

I would joke and say, "the only reason you got into this, is because Moe was waaaaay cuter and you just wanted to get all the girls and ya had a little talent". It was a pretty large group of home boys, and a pretty lil lady named Theresa together they paved the way for the House music party scene here in Detroit. I can only start this story where I entered. By that I mean, I'm sure there were others that came before them., but my foray started at a club located on E. 7mile road and John R.  ( I won't butcher the spelling) but those who were there know how to spell it! L'uomo's where I became a House head although back then it was Progressive music!  

Time went on and this rag tail group of friends grew older.. and some better looking. - Greg Gray, Kevin Mapp and James Shipp- I'm talking about y'all in particular!- insert big cheesy grin.

Missing the days gone by. Someone had the idea to throw a picnic and that my friends is where the Charivari Detroit festival was born. Again, you can read more of the origins in one of my Blogs, but its 5:13 in the morning and I'm running low on cigarettes. So I'm sooo not going into detail. 

You had this vision, and the backings of a strong supporting cast. Most importantly your beautiful wife who you were so proud of and in love with! I remember you telling me how you would do ANYTHING to keep her happy! How she has been down for and with you since day 1. Plus y'all made a dynamic duo. 

I called you Sonny for reason's Ive shared only with Moe. You called me Kiddo for reason's only known by you. We would talk for hours about this vision of yours how you wanted it to go, how you wanted everyone to be included. We argued on some issues I stayed strong in my beliefs about the subject matter and you stayed strong in yours. But whenever we would end our conversations it always ended with, "love ya Kiddo! Love ya Sonny"!

...but you had to go, we love you but God loves you so much, he wanted you home...maybe he too was trying to have a festival and needed bounce some ideas off of you. To keep myself from crying I would tell myself you left because I kept egging you on about spinning again. I needed to keep myself sane, I needed to make sense of it all. To this day I have shed only a few tears. Because I hear your gravely voice in my head telling me I was a soldier! "Put ya big girl panties on and handle yo handles"

I only knew you for a very small window of time. I sat in the very cheap friendship seats, and was glad I got to sit in them at all! But in that time, the value of that friendship was/is immeasurable. 

As we get closer to Charivari Detroit 2016. Your "squad" is pressed forward to continue your vision. Your soldiers have grown. Your vision has expanded. I'm so very sure you already know this. 
So THIS is what we are going to do. WE are going to make this one for the record books. Your presence will be all over the Rock aka Belle Isle. Each and every DJ will play like their momma's life depended on it! and..when its all said and done we will all work togther to make 2017 even bigger!! You hear me Sonny!!! BIGGER!!!  We are because you believed. We are because you had a vision! We are because the music, like your memory will never die! 

Maybe now, I can let the tears flow..maybe. I wanted to say so much more., but selfishly I won't! You see everyone else had you since early in life..I didn't and some things are better left to my own memory, my personal time with.. A son, brother, husband, uncle and friend.

You are one in a million, you will live on and your name will never be forgotten.
I love you Sonny, and I would give anything to hear you say, just one more time. " I Love you too Kiddo! 

Just know we will continue to...

Let the music play!
rest well, see ya on the other side!!

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