
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

An Oasis on Paradise Lake closing out summer 2017

Positive vibes and smiles were the theme of this past weekend... ok, Glamping was REALLY the theme. But it's my Blog sooo, yeah! Imma go with the positive vibes and smiles thingy. 

I didn't want to take too long to post about this absolutely amazing event/ festival, I wanted you to feel what I felt and waiting too long would have meant things and feelings would have been forgotten and this event means more to me then just the music and hopefully I will be able to convey that message to you. 

Image may contain: 2 peopleMy dad would take us camping every summer. He was an outdoorsy kinda guy. Kept a pistol a few shot guns a hunting rifle or 4, fishing gear.. you know, dad stuff.  What I liked most about camping was the people that I would only get to see on our summer vacations. A place far away from the city with other families having a grand time together. Folks by the fire after the sun set., the laughter.. and the thing that brought us all together on the campground (beside the food) was the music. Take your mind to the place where you 1st fell in love with the music. For me it was anything in the 70's for the folks around the campgrounds it was the music of their youth. So basically we got a great mixture of music and an even better gathering of friends. That's me and my dad in Canada like back in the 70's.

Image may contain: 1 personFast forward to the 90's. Time and my dad both passed. But my mother being the person that she is decided she was going to buy some property. It was off the lake surrounded by woods in Holly Mi., now I have to pause her cause my mom NEVER went camping with us. But she is the real Bad and Bourgeois. This is my mother at the closing for the property. She was glamours, fly, and refined! It is from her I get my re-fineness from. I don't use it., but I have it in case of emergencies. 

My parents gave me the best of both worlds culture, a love for nature ( yeah, I don't like nature like I use to) My mother gave me a since of pride. Black pride. My father taught me to love all-even when you don't want to. Even if they don't deserve the love you have. He taught me to be kind, funny and helpful, have fun.  My mother.. well from her, I get that "fuck you" attitude. 

But I digress, "Glamping".. it's the perfect combination of  camping and that glamorous life! Much like how I was raised..

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing and hatIt's my understanding ( and someone please correct me if I am wrong) that this event started in Southfield Mi. by a man.. Cedric McDougle is his name. He and other like minded individuals, (sorry I do not know ya names folks). Have put together what I am SURE will be the MUST attend event of the summer.  

I've only had the pleasure of meeting Cedric a handful of times and he's always easy to talk to and carries that bright smile of his like a badge of honor. It isn't too much I can tell you about this man, cause I don't know anything about him except what I've written thus far. What I do love and respect is he has taken his love for camping, people, refinement,and music and has brought new life back to Idlewild Michigan.

A history of Idlewild ( <----yeah, imma need you people to click on the word "Idlewild" cause it's far too much for a sistah to write)!

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people sitting, beard and outdoorThe grounds are managed by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lindsey they were most accommodating, helpful, genuine and kind.  They wanted me to make sure I let everyone know that they welcome ALL festivals like this one., and that property is available for purchase. 

With  desegregation came the decline of this once thriving get away, the likes of Ike and Tina, The Four Tops, O'Jays have all played there! 

Image may contain: sky, tree and outdoorI saw street names, like...Peaceful, Unity, Tranquil. That spoke volumes to me. And while its virtually nothing there at one time it was the mecca for middle class black America. A time when we depended on each other. When we had no choice but to be with our own. There were some run down cabins but there were also cabins that made your mouth drop. The calm lake and somewhat level ground made for a most pleasant experience. Seeing all those tents glammed up for what was about to be the end all be all for the summer of music 2017! I wish we could go back to those times. When we had to depend on each other when we had to stick together. It would be sad to see this property go away like so many others. But!!! Property is available, and like my parents. If you like camping, or if you would like a nice lake home, here is where you want to buy, build, and continue to carry on what our ancestors dreamed of and were promised.. that 40 acres and a mule!

I would be lying if I said I didn't want it to remain a black get-away because ALL are welcomed. But for once just ONCE in the history of niggadom I would like for this place to remain untouched by big corporations or go the way of Hilton Head or The Gulla Island(s) Or have that upwardly mobile group of urban suburbans.. who snatch up property and change what we fought so long and hard to have! Let's leave a legacy, some land and memories for our children. Please consider buying, growing, and keeping this place on the map.

Riding up in what I call the extended version of Scooby Doo's Mystery Machine was way cool. We had that RV, cause y'all already know PJ does NOT do nature anymore. I had to have something with some walls and wheels honey! I mean its Bears and shit up there! They can knock over a tent! yeah, let em try a big ass RV, knock THAT shit over Yogi.. it aint happnin!

Since we were running on CPT, that's colored people time for the un informed. We did not arrive until the wee hours of Saturday morning. Most were already asleep after hearing some slamming sets. Most notably by Steve Maxwell. Now you know my ear is always to the ground so I have ways of finding out who banged and who didn't. THIS extra large man set if off! er'r from what I'm told!

It was so nice to see all the amazing tents that had been set up in a city like fashion fire pits blazing, music coming from various speakers. It was tranquil and all seemed unified! Peaceful even. 

Image may contain: 1 person, sittingSince we were in an RV we had to park a little ways from the actual site but it was not far at all., and close enough for me to hear each and every DJ. I woke up to Raynard Hines.. but since I woke up with a serious buzz. ( I was with Agent X ) and you KNOW how he gets down. I can't say that I remember too much about his set. I do remember that it had more of an R&B feel to it. Which was perfect for those who are not well versed in House music.. a great segue for the newbies. By the time Celeste Alexander got on, if you weren't a House head you were by the time she finished. But more about that 1st Lady later.

Since I,  for some odd reason am always the one cooking. Its really not an odd reason. Mostly I volunteer and this weekend was no exception. SO!!! while the steaks, braats, chicken, grilled portabella's and the new pasta dish I have been making were coming together nicely. I was able to hear all the banging tunage coming from the stage. Plus I am more nocturnal and wanted to wait until night fall to get out! 

Image may contain: 1 personMike Clark did his thug thizzle on the 1's and 2's coming in nice and soft an afternoon audio delight. Mike has seen many stages around the globe and understands that when you give good karma, you get good karma back. And from the looks of things karma has come in the form of a beautiful dimpled smiled young lady. Mike Clark and I go back almost 30 years. He and I don't always speak the same language musically, but he always teaches me something new every time he plays. Resident DJ for the Life Party at Northern Lights. He is one the best Detroit has to offer! 

Image may contain: one or more people and indoorThe Sandman fell through and kicked it Toledo style. Big ups to this Cat here. He is one Sandman who never puts you to sleep! His musical selection has me thinking.. "yeah, he don't know he's white". Kinda like Todd Weston and Adam Francesconi. They are not aware of their whiteness when they get behind the decks. Todd has a vast knowledge of the music and plays effortlessly every time. I have NEVER heard him make any kinda mistake. He needs to have more of a Detroit presents ( I hope I spelled that right)... He does come with a warning. IF you feed him, he will EAT! like EVERYTHING That man can put away some food. I only know ONE other DJ who MIGHT be able to out eat this Cat here. Todd is always down to have his Detroit brothers and sisters spin at his club there in Toledo. He will put that small town on the map in a big musical way.. just please.. don't feed him! If you value the food in your pantry..DO NOT feed him! He also has some of the doppest flyer art around!


Image may contain: 1 person, indoorRick Wilhite!!!!!! That friend of mine, never ceases to amaze me. I mean, yeah.. I am a tad bit bias when it comes to him. Yeah, he holds a very special place in my heart.. ok, with that being said. Rick tore that shit out the frame. He came with a Strings of Life edit or remix ( y'all know I don't know the difference) that was hot as fish grease. When he played Emerald  City as his first cut at the Charivari picnic I selfishly thought he was playing for me cause he knows that is my favorite joint he plays..there are a few others but that is in my, "top 5 list of shit Big Phool plays" Big Phool = Rick Wilhite. He made a steady climb leading up to a very climatic ending. He almost made me leave the barbeque grill. Go over. Throw a shoe at him. and leave! He was in his element! ..and I was along for the ride! His, Beautiful Sunday's at Motor City Wine are something to look forward to every 3rd Sunday of the month!

Image may contain: 1 personThen came, Celeste Alexander.. let me tell you a few things I heard while she was playin, "oh she aint playin wit none of y'all. "she on another level" "she the shit" Just a few words about this lovely 1st Lady. From my understanding Chicago's 1st female DJ- and let me add... most ALL the female DJs from Chicago are good., gifted even! I pray they give her the respect she so deserves. She along with Detroit's on godmother Stacey Hale kicked in the door so other SheJ's can walk through! 
Now, as I watched Celeste I couldn't help but notice her eyes. They for one, are the most beautiful eyes. Because they come with knowledge, pain, love, understanding, and a good dose of telling it like it is! I couldn't help but think. Celeste looks like she's. Talking on the phone to one of her girls, with a cobbler  in the oven, fryin some chicken, watching the stories and the neighborhood kids all while DJing, she has her shit together she can do like 30 things and once and make it look easy. She takes care of her crowd like she takes care of her family, with love and its showed through her skill... I had no idea she was a depeche mode fan., but when she played Personal Jesus ya girl liked to fell out! Some Chitown DJ's should have a 2nd home here. She is mos def one of them! and here's the thing. ya know she taught her husband how to play, and that brother can bang! She takes care of her musical selection I'm sure much like she takes care of Big E- with love she shows love, passion, power, and knowledge with every track she plays. I have nothing but mad love and respect for her. I waited two days to say all of this. Celeste came in there and showed all the way out! Humble and kind but will put you in ya place if need be! She is strong and loving both on and off the table! I truly admire her! Not to mention her, Vic and Steve brought the entire south side with them! Way to support Chi town family I hope to see more of you next year.

Image may contain: one or more people and people on stage....and then came Vic! Now let me set the mood. All the DJs played a variety of music but mostly it was on that chilled out mellow kinda vibe. I had heard of Vic Lavender but never heard him play so I am glad I had this opportunity to hear him in the atmosphere. The music that he played was perfect for a seemingly moonless night, Track after track was meant (IMO) to elevate your consciousness. He dropped that Pirahnahead's Beautiful Epiphany remix the party goers went wild. Love it when that I-94 connection comes together musically. His set was in a word, stellar. I didn't want to leave, he could have played all night and the people would have danced! Vic Lavender would be a VERY welcomed guest here in Detroit. Message to the club owners and promoters. This is the Cat you want to bring to the D! Rick, he needs a Beautiful Sunday indeed. Melissa and Dave,are you reading this. GET THIS CAT on the bill for MOVEMENT! - yes, I was yelling! 

Image may contain: 1 person, on stage and outdoorEarl Mixxin McKinney played a set perfect for us to wake up to. To tell ya the truth I had to ask who was playing since I'm so use to Earl going for the kill, but mid morning Earl is much different than night time Earl. What I liked best about Earl was, as his set progressed, so did his DJ stylings. He went for that soft, " its time to wake up kids" to " alright people get off ya asses and dance" and the people responded in kind.  Aside from being one of the BEST MC's and a bit of a wordsmith, Earl is one of the best at controlling the crowd. Knowing what to play and when to play it. He draws you in with his energy. He controls your mood. He is a Scorpio ya know they like that control factor! Earl is primed for gigs overseas. We love you here baby, but it's time for you to fly!

While this may be the newest festival to the line up it is set to be one of the best. To have this in a place with such history. A place where serenity flows effortlessly to see people come together., unity in dance was in a word, beautiful. Was it a success, well as always that depends on what you think success is. My guess, yes it was mos def a success. It was on a totally different level all together. 

Please don't compare this with any other festivals its is as unique as the others. The best part is they allow the DJs to really get into their groove no hour only sets. I'm bummed Eddie Fowlkes and Jamie 326 were not there, but I'm sure they had their reasons. However I will have to have a chat with Mr's Fowlkes and 326 about this. I can't believe you two did this to me!?! yes.. ME!! cause, I'm selfish like that!

I opted to go to Summer Oasis because of the historic venue and the DJ's that were set to play. I couldn't allow my dislike for a few to keep me from doing what I love. Dancing and enjoying this thing we call House! I even got a personal "thank you" from one of the event promoters. I was glad that she did not allow our differences to stop her from offering a genuine thanks. I was proud of myself for accepting the offer without my usual gruff attitude. And while we will never be friends. ( that's no secret) I have to commend her on helping to bring this thing we love most to a place where we can all come together because of not in spite of! If you have yet to make it to the Summer Oasis festival I highly recommend it. If you need to close your summer out in a tranquil way, I suggest you make the 3 hour drive ( longer if you're not from Detroit). You will NOT be sorry you came. I wasn't! I will be a life time attendee for sure!

I'm not sure why music can express things we can not. But I heard you loud and clear. Thank you for "sending me your love". I am sending mine right back. Yes, I love you more than you will ever know! ...and that will be forever and always

Let the Music Play!


Monday, August 14, 2017

Charivari has come and gone, but as always the music and SHINE live on!

Image result for charivari detroit 2017this is how I see Detroit!

Yes, another, 1st weekend in August has come and gone. Team Charivari did a hellluva job promoting the, SHINE! The new venue is perfect for this ever growing event. Sometimes you have to move to find the right amount of space to SHINE! ...and while we ( and I say "we" because "WE" are all apart of this) had to do some movin and shakin I think we have FINALLY found a spot that will allow our SHINE to GROW... where we can let ourselves GO from this point forward. 

No need to rehash how it got started, Todd Johnson (no relation) tells it best., check out his page and ask him. He's a great story teller.. but only after he has had a nap and some milk and cookies, cause I know that brother is tired! Carol... get is favorite blankey please. 

- so I started this Blog at like 12:00 pm it'd going on 4:30...yeah, and this is all I got. 

ANYWHO!!! back to this past weekend. 

1st let me extend my sincerest apologies to Dave, Melissa, and Todd Weston. I'm sorry y'all, I will be back once I am totally mobile again. Until then, I am there is spirit everyday!

Two things that I heard over and over again at the Festival, "yeah...I like to new spot, a little dusty but I like it"! So, big ups to Team Charivari you guys did an excellent job. 

Thankfully the weather was cool and we SHINED not with direct sunlight but with inner sunSHINE! My thought is if it is to be held there next year- and I have heard that it will be, a cooling tent my be needed.. oh, yeah and a charging station. 

I love the fact that on Friday nights are designated as the "free" nights. It allows those who may work on the weekend a chance to get their groove on and work up a sweat. and while by 10:00 I was out like a light my ears to the street told me that Friday night belonged to, this Cat right here... Mr. Tony Dennis 
Image result for charivari detroit 2017word in them streets is, Tony Dennis was straight FIYAH, the man shut it DOWN- in my Kevin Hart voice. I knew the brother had it in him. But from what I have heard he likes that soulful sexy stuff that Gruv is known for. Welp, now you are more than just and internet international DJ you have earned what you SO rightfully deserve even more respect around Detroit. I expect to be hearing more from Tony.. and Yes Tony, you ARE a DJ! 

So, I get up and ready cause, in my mind I was going to turn ALL the way up on Saturday, I was in my element.. wit my peeps, lawn chair dancing, hangin, drankin, sangin, SHINING! ...and that is exactly what we ALL did. 

Let me tell you a little about the space. It sits right off the water nestled in between a high rise high ass rent apartment building and has the view of the Ambassador bridge just ahead. With a great view of Canada to the east. ( um, I think Canada is east of Detroit) I mean... whatever, you get my drift. 

Now the tents were kinda close to each other, but you have to take into account that they could not have the music too close to the high rise or to the residential homes to the left. So I dug why the stages were so close together. Plus I did not see a lot of areas where you could hook up all the electricity needed to run the stages, vendor booths, etc.. etc..
 The upside to that is, ya didn't have to walk far to hear your favorite DJs.  

The weather was perfect for this event just cool enough to keep us happy, while we heated the park up dancing and fist pumping...and yeah, folks complained about the dirt and ground, but to be fair there had been a concert/festival the prior weekend, and this IS Detroit. you know these negros don't take care of public property like they should.

...but nonetheless, we SHINED!

I did not get to hear some of the DJs "I" wanted to hear, but again.. Todd'nem wont let me in on those meetings cause they are afraid I'll eat all the snacks and stuff! I did enjoy hearing the new Cats that thrilled the crowd and put smiles on the faces of those who attended. 

Image may contain: one or more peopleOf course Tracey Marvin and Joseph James Hall came home to support this event, and to have that epic dance off that they are so known for.Image may contain: 1 person 

What I like most about these two is no matter what, they are bound to get the party started. They dance no matter what the crowd is like, as long as good music is played. 

And while the crowd was small compared to some other events the vibe was just as strong if not stronger. Because the players are those who live, work, and breath here. They are the ones who identify not only with the music but the heart and soul that is Detroit. They represent the best of the best new and old. 

YES!! I think Todd Weston, Malik Alston, Tink Thomas, Gari Romalis, Nervous Breakdown, Jeff Arthur, ALL three of the House Gallery Cats should have played.. but guess what, it ain't my event. YES!! I think Dave Spivey, Phil Tha Mixx, El Pavo Joe should be on the list next year. YES!! I know ALL this was started somewhere on the west side. but we've grown and with growth comes change. So just wait, Charivari is not a fly by night thing you will get your opportunity to SHINE. Simply submit your work, Im sure that is what most did. No one said you can get in just on the strength of you being a DJ or because you have known these people since Regan was in office. 

I do like the fact that Team Charivari tried to be inclusive and give others a chance. They show that when you have a dream, a mission, and a love for your city you can do anything. 

So Saturday was my favorite day, but by all accounts most people favored Sunday. 

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting and textAs the sun set, just as dusk was starting to settle in Mike Huckaby was on the box. Now, I don't know if he and God are one with each other but I will say this.... that man's entire vibe changed just as day was turning to night. Like it was effortless. He played some standards ( I wasn't use to him doing that). Then he came in with some ol' smooth shit sexy, melodic type vibe. 

I am STILL waiting to hear both he and his brother Craig play a set together- fellas, and I KNOW ONE of you are reading this. Can a sistah PLEASE get a set with the Huckaby brothers. MCW we can call it, I Love the Huckaby's or some silly shit like that. 

Image may contain: 1 personOf course Peter Croce came in and slapped us around with the stylings of the professional that he is. He is now a label owner - I believe it's Motor City Wine Recordings with David A-P, he is a true talent indeed. 

Image may contain: 3 people, people sitting, beard and indoorJohn Johr, as I was told was the hit of the day. But you know I stick with my favs and by the time he hit the stage I was out of battery life and could not take or post any video. But I got a chance to hear him at TV and that boy is slick! Minimal Techno sexy with a good ear for edits/remixes 

Image may contain: 2 peopleThe Ghita sisters ( they are so damn adorable) came in and played like two old pro's. I enjoy watching them because they give it to you two ways. One is more techno the other more of a House type vibe. They are up and coming and one's we should watch out for. 

Image may contain: 1 person, sittingTerry James, or TJ as I like to call him or Terry JAMS as I ALSO like to call him came and put a hurtin on folks., as I knew he would. TJ is so freakin HARD! the music is an extension of who he is at his core. I would like to hear him play around town more. I think he would be a good fit for House Galley night or Hot Pot or even a good old fashion DJ Battle at MIX... My money is going to be on Terry every time. Do NOT sleep on this Cat! 

Image may contain: 2 peopleMaking his appearance for the 1st time. DJ DSwin, this Cat plays with so much energy. He is probably one of the most passionate DJs Ive met. Another up and comer, glad to see Team Charivari saw the talent in this Cat and put him on the bill. Im sure we will be hearing more from him in the future!  

There were so many others who came out and made this weekend a success. It was nice to see the DJs there just to enjoy themselves and support their fellow DJs.  

My wish is that this location will become the permanent location for Charivari Detroit. Yes, OVERWELMINGLY most people preferred Milliken park or for me, it was the 2nd one on Belle Isle. 

But for things to grow, for people to grow, things have to change, and change can and will be good. 

Let's come together in the spirit of unity and the music, because that is ALWAYS the star of the show.

Please do not think for one minute, just because you're cool, or grew up with, or play all over that you will be chosen to play at any venue. Let alone a festival. Submit your work, put in the work.. hell... they do, and so should you!

This is a massive undertaking, money does NOT grow on trees. and for those who still think its ok to get that, "home girl/boy" hook up, its NOT OK!

If you're going to pay hundreds of dollars in May to see ( insert whomever) you mean to tell me you won't pay to see the Cats from your own city?! FOH ( fuck outta here) with that BS!

Aside from the music the best part of Charivari is watching the people come together. Seeing the DJ's show off looking at the smile on everyones faces. 

They do enjoy playing for the home crowd, and if you missed this my friends missed on helluva show, we even had some international travelers this year.  

Yes, we are growing but like the city its gonna take us all to make this bigger and better than anyone had imagined. Right now, in this time, more than ever we MUST unite, and show solidarity for one and other. Put down your petty beefs and differences. yes, even I am going to do the same. Right now.. we NEED each other, and as always we need to 

Let the Music Play


Image may contain: 6 people, indoor