
Thursday, December 1, 2016

Your story will be told..this is. our HOUSEtory

We FINALLY got our night! TV One's Unsung episode was about this thing of ours. After years of being underground someone understood that House music is here to stay and has millions of followers.

From MOVEMENT, to Chosen Few, Charivari, House in the park...House music continues to make scores of folks from around the globe move with that 4 on the floor's the same beat we hear in the's our heartbeat!

With that being said I understand why some were a little upset that others were not mentioned in the one hour special. I get that..I do! I really really do!

...Let me pause here to advise I'm not speaking as a professional because I'm not one! What I am is a fan, a lover of the music and the people who dance to it. And it hurt my little House head heart to see so many people getting upset that others had not received a mention in the segment.

1st!!! It's an hour long show! 2nd!! We don't know what ended up on the cutting room floor post production. I'm almost 100% sure during taping those they DID interview made mention of Ron Hardy, Lil Louis, Chip E etc..etc.. Cause if I don't know NOTHING else I KNOW a DJs conversation. They LOVE LOVE LOVE to talk about, "back in the day"! The parties..who were the best in their craft at the time. Playful banter that, to those not in the know may sound like a full blown argument. But it's's a DJs passion.

I get my House news source from a few people. But when I REALLY want to know something my most reliable sources are. Alan King, Mike Huckaby, Jamie 3:26, and Delano Smith. Why?? Because they are CREDIBLE sources..they state the facts..(I'm sure they may put their own spin on it...but whatever- the brothers are my source) and they've been around long enough to know.
So of course I went DIRECTLY to AK's page. He's like my NPR source..fair across the board sees both sides..eloquent in his dialogue and writing style.. It's a well known fact he and Frankie Knuckles had a close working relationship..they were friends. And since AK is who he is. I'm sure stories were told and AK is one of a few(no pun intended) left to tell Frankies story. To help continue Frankies legacy.
...and the brother is doing a fine job of it!

Jamie is my local in depth news reporter..he gives me the story with commentary.. kinda like Larry King! Hard hitting, fact giving..Take no prisoners. Delano is much the same. Huck educates me. My PBS, I learn so much from him..But for this Blog imma leave my Detroit players out of it!

Insert my sadness to see the post about the non-mention of Ron Hardy..look!! I dig it.. he was just as much a part of the history as Frankie..but IMO THIS was Frankie Knuckles story...and again, In My Opinion..WHO better to tell it than his friends. Now, ya didn't see AK talk much but that's because..he doesn't talk much( well he doesn't strike me as a big talker)..enter the more vocal one, Wayne Williams..sidenote: Wayne is simply ADORBS! like I want to be his BFF SO bad! He seems like he's a LOT of fun and has a permanent "happy face"! Eyes full of wonder and merriment. And Jessie with that cute lil lisp it's vague..but it's there!


I saw so many screaming foul about Ron and I go check him out via the web! He was indeed a very important figure in our journey. But it wasn't Ron's story. I know he was mentioned..I just know it! But for whatever reason once the final cut was done he unfortunately didn't make it! His story WILL be told! Lil Louis story WILL be told. Chosen Few story WILL be told. MOVEMENTs story WILL be told! Charivari's story WILL be told! It just takes time and time, music, and memories are all we have!
Let Frankie have his just due without the negative. You took away some of the magic when y'all jumped on the, "complain train"! You all are looked at GLOBALLY! Don't show anyone any ill in this House!.

No one man owns House!
No one story will tell all there is to tell!
Many things have been left out of history. But here's the most awesome thing..our House history is still being written. And there will be many MANY more stories to come.

SO...get your facts together and Your stories about days gone by written down. Because one day a producer may come to you and ask for your input and it's your duty to tell the story!

But NEVER EVER minimise others for telling theirs.

Right now Ron and Frankie are in Heaven kickin it and I'm sure shaking their heads..

This music is about LOVE!!! Point blank PERIOD! Show more respect for the progenitors of it! They played for the love of it. They played for you! And their music and DJ stylings will live on. When it's time for Ron's story to be will be! Cause from what I read and heard, the man was a BEAST!
So, tell the story..and

Let The Music Play
